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rmrf is a small go program to do the same thing as "rm -rf" but with a high degree of concurrency


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Rmrf is a small go program to do the same thing as "rm -rf" but with a high degree of concurrency.


The traditional UN*X "rm" command is single threaded. Once upon a time, with single cpu systems and single threaded file systems, holding dozens or even hundreds of files, this was entirely sufficient. However, with modern multi-core systems, broadly parallel file systems, and network and distributed file systems, holding terrabytes of data over millions of files, it's quite common for the removal of a tree to take nearly as long as it did to create the tree. In some cases, much longer, perhaps even several times as long since the creation of the tree was done with parallelization while removal is just single threaded. That can easily be hours or days in many contexts.

Rmrf is an experiment in concurrency. It is written in the Go programming language, (golang), makes heavy use of Go's concurrency mechanism called "goroutines", and is intended to partially address this problem.


Naive use is trivial. rmr file1 directory2 ... However, there is some tuning available once you understand some of how rmrf works.

How It Works

Rmrf uses a work queue as embodied in a Go "channel". The items from the command line are added to the queue initially. Thereafter, separate "worker" goroutines are called to read an item from the queue and "process" it. "Processing" in this context means either removing a file or reading a directory and adding all of the directories items to the queue. Both file removal and directory reading may be done many times concurrently and concurrently with each other. That's rather the point of rmrf, afterall.

This is important to understand because the queue has a finite size. If the number of items in a directory is larger than the size of the queue, then the goroutine may not be able to queue all of the items from the directory and rmrf would then deadlock. More, since there may be many goroutines each reading directories and queueing up items, the sum total number of items being queued needs to fit in the queue. At the same time, there will be other goroutines taking items out of the queue, removing files, and reading directories and adding new items to the queue.

The queue size needed for any particular tree is somewhat complex, not entirely deterministic, and depends on the shape of your tree. Basically, if you run into deadlock, try again with a higher queue size, (the "-q size" command line option), perhaps an order of magnitude larger, even.

There is also a command line switch for the number of goroutines to run concurrently, (the "-n count" command line option). In practice, this will coincide highly with the number of outstanding operating system calls, (either unlink(2) or readdir(3)). For a local file system, you'll need to tune it, but my guess is that the right number will likely be about 4 times the number of actual CPUs you have available. If you want to optimize your removal times then your goal here is to saturate the disk subsystem, but only just. That is, oversaturation will quickly lead to slower removal times, not faster, due to thrashing. But experiment.

For NFS, your optimum concurrency number will likely be much higher. Don't be surprised if the right number is two or three orders of magnitude higher than your optimum number on local disk.

Directories Are Special

Traditional graph traversals of trees are either depth first or breadth first, and removals are post order. Most tree removal algorythms do exactly this. However, those algorythms are single threaded.

There's an argument to be made that even with an infinitely parallel machine, the tree depth will be your minimal removal time for directories since lower level directories must be removed before higher level ones. But we can still remove many empty directories concurrently.

The way this works in rmrf is that as we're doing our first, (and only), traversal of the directory tree, we record the name of each of the directories we find, in a hash, where the hash is the number of "/" characters in the directory's name. Once we've collected them all, (and removed all of the files), we walk down the hash counts. So if the longest path is 24 slash characters, then we remove all of the 24 slash character directories concurrently. When that's done, we remove all of the 23 slash character directories, etc, and so on, and so forth.

What this means is twofold. First, if you're watching things be removed, you'll notice that files are removed first, left to right, top to bottom. (This is very different from traditional removal order.) Then directories are removed bottom up, but "generationally" left to right.


rmrf is a small go program to do the same thing as "rm -rf" but with a high degree of concurrency







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