I am Ricky Damar Saputra, a full-stack developer and frontend developer. I am focus is on web development, but he also has experience in backend development.
I am passionate about making things that work well and are easy to use. In particular, he loves the concept of minimalism: projects should be as clean and simple as possible, while still being powerful enough to do what they need to do.
In his free time (which isn't much), i am enjoys reading manga on his phone and watching anime 🎌.
You can find me on GitHub: https://github.com/rickydamarsaputra
"status": 200,
"data": {
"website": "https://rickydamar.vercel.app",
"media_social": [
"github": "https://github.com/rickydamarsaputra",
"gitlab": "https://gitlab.com/rickydamarsaputra",
"linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/ricky-damar-saputra",
"instagram": "https://instagram.com/rickydamarsaputra",
"facebook": "https://facebook.com/rickydamar.saputra",
"showwcase": "https://www.showwcase.com/rickydamarsaputra"
"learn_profile": [
"freecodecamp": "https://www.freecodecamp.org/rickydamarsaputra",
"dicoding": "https://www.dicoding.com/users/rickydamarsaputra",
"hackerrank": "https://www.hackerrank.com/retrocode_rc"
"skills": {
"frontend": ["HTML5", "CSS3", "Javascript", "Bootstrap", "Tailwindcss", "ReactJS", "NextJS", "VueJS"],
"backend": ["PHP", "NodeJS", "Laravel", "Codeigniter", "ExpressJS"],
"databases": ["MYSQL", "MariaDB", "MongoDB", "Firebase", "Oracle", "PostgreSQL (Supabase)"],
"other_tools": ["Visual studio code", "Laragon", "Postman", "Figma", "Git"],
"other_stack": ["WordPress", "Strapi", "Contentful", "NPM", "Composer"],
"hosting": ["Cpanel", "Vercel", "Netlify", "Heroku", "Github pages"],
"mobile": ["React native (learning)", "Flutter (learning)"]
"best_recommended_youtube_channel": [
"Web Programming UNPAS": "https://www.youtube.com/c/WebProgrammingUNPAS",
"Programmer Zaman Now": "https://www.youtube.com/c/ProgrammerZamanNow",
"The Net Ninja": "https://www.youtube.com/c/TheNetNinja",
"Traversy Media": "https://www.youtube.com/c/TraversyMedia"
"errors": null