8 bit CPU implented and simulated by Rishi Sriram, based off of SAP architecture described in the book Digital Computer Electronics by Albert Paul Malvino and Jerald A. Brown.
Some features of the CPU:
- 16x8 RAM
- 2 registers - Accumulator register and temporary register B
- CPU flags- carry flag and zero flag.
First four bits are the OPCODE and next four bits are the OPERAND (memory location, value(in case of LDI),etc)
0000- NOP
0001- LDA
0010- ADD
0011- SUB
0100- STA
0101- LDI
0110- JMP
0111- JEC
1000- JEZ
1110- OUT
1111- HLT
MI- Memory address register in
RI- RAM in
RO- RAM out
II- Instruction register in
IO- Instruction register out
CO- Program counter out
J - Program counter IN (Jump)
CE- Program counter increment
AI- Accumulator in
AO- Accumulator out
EO- Sum out
SU- Subtract
BI- B register in
OI- Output register in
FI- Flags register in HLT- Halt