A multicall contract enables a single eth_call to be used to aggregate multiple constant contract method calls to a variety of addresses.
The ethers Multicall contract is located at multicall.eth
and is verified on Etherscan.
const multicaller = Multicaller(provider);
// The maximum amount of gas to allow each sub-call to consume
multicaller.gasLimtPerCall = 50000;
// The maximum result length to allow each call to return
multicaller.resultLimitPerCall = 1024;
multicaller.queue(address, fragment [ , values ]) => Promise<any>
multicaller.queueResult(address, fragment [ , values ]) => Promise<Result>
multicall.flush() => Promise<number>
const ABI = [
"function execute(uint gasLimit, uint maxResultSize, address[] addrs, bytes[] datas) view returns (uint blockNumber, uint[] statuses, bytes[] results)"
const contract = new Contract("multicall.eth", ABI, provider);
There is a single method, execute
which will throttle the
amount of gas per external call and limit the resulting output
from each call to prevent malicious contracts from breaking the
aggregate call.
Each result includes a status (0 for failure, 1 for successs) along with any result. A status of 0 may still return data, which will be the result of the revert.
MIT License.