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This repository has been archived by the owner on Aug 12, 2021. It is now read-only.
ricoberger edited this page Apr 21, 2020 · 1 revision

dash is a terminal dashboard solution inspired by Grafana, to visualize and explore your data.

  • Multiple Datasources: Multiple datasources can be defined via yaml files.
  • Multiple Dashboards: Dashboards can be defined via yaml files and can be switch during runtime.
  • Time Interval: Query the data for different time intervals.
  • Refresh Rate: Refresh your data every x seconds.
  • Multiple Graphs: Choose between multiple graph types to visualize your data.
  • Dynamic Datasources: Use multiple datasources for one dashboard.
  • Explore Mode: Run ad hoc queries to explore your data.

Note: If you want to contribute (adding a missing or new feature) feel free to create a PR. If you want to share a dashboard please add the .yaml file and a screenshot to the examples folder.





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