This is a project so I have a local and easy-to-retrieve note library. The front end is in react (so loadable in the browser). The backend is an http server written in golang and accessable using a REST API. The settings are stored in *.json
and the actual notes are stored in *.md
The notes format support markdown and are organized into a tree.
- replace any occurance of searchTree() with nfind() in App.js
- rewrite entire App.js to use a "tree" object with a function to find node, parent, update node or parts of node
- when updating a node, send a date of node. so if node is edited between retrieve and save, will warn about overwriting possible changes
- move nodes via gui
- global search
- proper init if config files do not exist
- 2021-10-12 (v1.1.2) : can save a node with blank conents
- 2021-08-08 (v1.1.1) : support index.html at multiple levels
- 2021-06-28 (v1.1.1) : editbar alignment
- 2021-06-27 (v1.1) : updated react. pasteModal handles tables properly again