A No Frills IOC
Why another IOC? Easy: I needed something simple for unittesting and had no internet access, so I whipped something up myself. Turned out to be rather usable, so I decided to share.
- MicroIOC will work with standard .Net (4.5).
- The current version will work with .NetCore with some limitations (i.e. due to differences in how reflection is done MicroIOC is currently not able to recursively resolve imports).
- To register a type use MicroIOC.IOC.Register(). You can use any function, lamba or similar as a generator, as long as it has the correct return type (i.e. the type used for the generic). Note that providing the wrong type is not caught at compiletime at this point, but at runtime, when the type is first resolved.
- To resolve a type use MicroIOC.IOC.Resolve();
- Resolve will attempt to recursively resolve dependencies as well, if they are marked with the "MuImport" Attribute.
interface Greeter
void Greet();
class GreeterImpl: Greeter
public void Greet()
System.Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
class Importer
public Greeter myGreeter;
public static void main()
IOC.Register<Greeter>(() => {return new GreeterImpl();});
IOC.Register<Importer>(() => {return new Importer();});
var theGreeter = IOC.Resolve<Greeter>();
theGreeter.Greet(); // Prints "Hello World!"
var imp = IOC.Resolve<Importer>();
imp.myGreeter.Greet(); // Prints "Hello World!"
- When resolving a dependency, the first available constructor will be used.