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Releases: ripple/dactyl


30 Aug 21:18
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This release updates the style checker to be compatible with pyspellchecker version 0.7.0.


27 Jan 01:17
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This release fixes a bug that made "watch mode" and PDF builds not work on Windows because it assumed that python3 -m http.server would launch the simple Python HTTP server on those systems. The updated version should automatically detect the system's Python executable on all platforms.

This release also fixes some broken links in the updated documentation.


18 Jan 22:37
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This release improves OpenAPI spec parsing, adds a new formula for picking default filenames, overhauls Dactyl's own documentation, and fixes the following minor bugs:

  • Fixes a bug that caused the default breadcrumbs template to throw an error when the page hierarchy wasn't as expected.
  • Fixes a bug where Dactyl would warn about pages not belonging to any targets if the targets those pages belonged to were defined in frontmatter instead of in the config file.

OpenAPI Spec Parsing

Fixes some bugs where fields were not shown as required in the tables for request bodies and response bodies. Fixes a few other typos in the default templates.

The API endpoint template is now capable of displaying multiple example request bodies and request bodies. (Previously, if you specified multiple response bodies, it could cause Dactyl to fail when trying to build docs from the spec.) If the examples use JSON, the template also applies syntax highlighting by default. The examples are displayed in tabs if the multicode_tabs filter is enabled.

A new function, json_pp() is available to custom OpenAPI spec templates. This function produces a pretty-printed version of a JSON input.

"Tail" HTML filename formula

Every HTML file Dactyl builds needs a unique filename to be written to. If you don't specify it in the page definition (example: html: my-file.html), Dactyl generates one for you. Previously, you had two options for how to generate filenames from Markdown files: to "flatten" or not. This release adds a new formula, "tail", and changes the config parameter to specify this.

The new option looks like this (put it anywhere in your config file at the top level):

default_html_names: tail
# Valid options are "tail", "path", or "flatten". The default is "flatten".

With this formula, the generated page names are based on the filename of the source Markdown file only. For example, if your input Markdown file was at usage/, the generated filename with each of the formulas would look like this:

Formula Generated HTML Name
flatten usage-editing.html
path usage/editing.html
tail editing.html

Some notes on the formulas:

  • flatten: The default. Use the full path to the md file, except it replaces / with - so all files end up in one output folder. This is convenient for viewing files locally or zipping them into one big folder.
  • path: Use the full path to the md file including folders. This results in the output having a folder structure that mirrors the input folder. This can make for prettier URLs, but requires you to handle absolute paths correctly in your templates and hyperlinks.
  • tail: Use just the filename, not the whole path. This can result in duplicates if you have files with the same name in different folders, for example if you have multiple docs named "". You should change the duplicates individually using html parameters in the page definitions, as needed.

Backwards Compatibility

The old flatten_default_html_paths config parameter is deprecated, but still accepted for backwards compatibility. If set to true, it uses the flatten formula. (This was and continues to be the default.) If set to false, it uses the path formula.


02 Dec 23:08
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This release fixes a bug with the OpenAPI spec parser that caused it to fail when used with Jinja 3.x. This same bug also caused some fields to show as "Optional" or "May be omitted" when they were required.


02 Dec 23:07
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This release fixes several bugs:

  • The link checker no longer crashes if an <img> element in the contents is missing the src attribute. The link checker writes a log message when it encounters an image like this but does not record it as a broken link. (In HTML5, CSS files can set the path of such images using a content rule.)
  • "Watch" mode now looks for changes to all files in the template and content directories, not just ones matching limited patterns.
  • When using "watch" mode with "only" mode, builds after the first one now build only the specified page instead of rebuilding all pages on any update.

Also, updated the example CSS's dependencies.


27 May 23:23
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This release adds compatibility with Jinja 3.x and includes two minor improvements to the style checker:

  • No longer attempts to check inlined SVG elements. (This caused false reports of misspelled words when the SVG contained text elements without whitespace between them.)
  • Spelling file can now contain comments starting with #. (Only lines starting with # are treated as comments.)


27 May 23:22
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This release fixes a couple bugs in the built-in templates when using virtual pages with a prefix value. It also changes to use the prefix value inherited at the page level so that individual pages can overwrite the value if necessary. (A 404 page, for example, might want to use a separate prefix since it may be used at different paths.)


27 May 23:22
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This release removes a couple of debug statements that broke compatibility with Python 3.5. (Python 3.5 has reached end of life, but Dactyl still works with it for now if you use the right versions of its dependencies.)


27 May 23:22
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This release improves the built-in templates, improves the documentation in the examples, and introduces the concept of "Virtual Pages". Virtual pages are placeholders for links to external sites, which you can insert into the automatically-generated navigation with a stanza similar to a page built by Dactyl.

To add a Virtual Page, add a page to your config with an html value containing //. For example,

-   name: Dactyl Homepage
    blurb: Go to the online home of Dactyl.
    parent: virtual-pages.html
        - everything

Dactyl's built-in templates automatically add the page to generated navigation. Use the parent field to specify where in the hierarchy the virtual page should appear. The page also shows up as an item in the page lists for the preprocessor and templates so custom templates and pages can list it also.

Breaking Changes

Most projects using Dactyl won't experience breaking changes from this release, but the following changes may potentially require action in certain circumstances:

  • The buttonize filter now uses Bootstrap's btn btn-primary classes instead of adding a button class.
  • The built-in tree-nav.html template and its associated CSS have been significantly updated to fix bugs with deeper levels of navigation and to simplify the generated HTML.
  • The children.html template no longer omits blurbs beyond the top level by default.

Other Changes

  • The default PDF templates (simple.html and pdf-cover.html) better handle frontmatter and hierarchy fields.
  • The SCSS for the tree nav has been split into a separate file to make it easier to include in external projects.
  • Updated many of the examples including their URLs.
  • Fixed integration test for the style checker.


22 Jan 01:13
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This release restores compatibility with Python 3.5. There are no other changes.