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Anthony Short edited this page May 25, 2014 · 2 revisions

Directives are custom attributes that a hooks for special functionality. If you've used Angular they're similar to things like ng-click, ng-controller etc.

You can define your own directives that can easily be re-used across views. A directive looks like this:

<button on-click="save">Submit</button>

This isn't a real attribute, it's a custom one that will trigger some functionality added to the View.

Creating Directives

The View has a directive method for adding directives:

View.directive('on-click', function(value, el, view){
  el.addEventListener('click', value);

Within the binding you have access to the view instance, the element the attribute is on, the attribute name and the current value.

You can also use the longer verson of this for more complex directives:

View.directive('on-click', {
  bind: function(el, view) {
    // This is called once when the binding is created.
    // Use this to setup any event listeners.
  update: function(value, el, view) {
    // This is called whenever the value of the directive changes.
    // If the value passed to it is an expression, this function
    // will be called whenever that expression changes.
  unbind: function(el, view){
    // This is called once when the binding is removed.
    // Cleanup any listeners here.

When passing data to directives, you can use expressions to pass dynamic data to them.

<div my-binding="{{name}}"></div>

The update method will be called whenever this value changes.

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