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CRISPR-DS with PolyG data processing pipeline

By Dana Nachmanson (1), July 2017; Modified by Brendan Kohrn (1), May 2019

(1) Department of Pathology, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA 98195


  • Call: The sequence or length of a polyG allele, as generated by lobSTR, or during SSCS or DCS calling.
  • Duplex Consensus Sequence (DCS) call: A polyG allele resulting from the agreement of SSCS calls generated from a pair of families representing the two strands of a single molecule. If the SSCS calls for the two strands do not agree, no DCS call is made.
  • Duplex Tag: A pair of tags, one attached to each end of the original molecule, which, together, allow for identification of the individual strand a particular sequencing read originated from. For more details on duplex tags, see PMID: 25299156.
  • Family: A group of reads (or calls) that shares the same duplex tag sequence.
  • PolyG: Poly-guanine sequence; a segment of DNA comprising only (or mosty) guanines.
  • Single Stranded Consensus Sequence (SSCS) call: The most common polyG allele for a particular family, as determined by simple majority of allele sequences called by lobSTR.
  • Tag: A string of random nucleotides used to uniquely identify a particular DNA molecule, usually applied before PCR. Also called molecular tag, barcode or unique molecular identifier (UMI).


This pipeline is designed to process Duplex Sequencing libraries (e.g. containing double-strand molecular tags, as in Schmitt et al. 2012; PMID 22853953) sequenced in an Illumina platform and comprising polyguanine tracts (PolyGs). These tracts are the most mutagenic in the human genome. The pipeline first uses lobSTR (Gymrek et al. 2012; to align and genotype PolyGs and then uses a Duplex Sequencing-like method to filter out errors by comparing all calls corresponding to a single DNA molecule. Molecules with same duplex tag are grouped and the most common allele is selected as the Single-Strand Consensus Sequence (SSCS) calls. SSCS calls derived from the two complementary strands of same original DNA molecule are compared with one another to create a Duplex Consensus Sequence (DCS) call. This process produces highly accurate PolyG genotyping by removing artefactual alleles created by PCR stutter as well as other PCR and sequencing errors.


This pipeline can be run on a computer running either MacOS, Linux, or Windows 10. In the case of Windows 10, all operation of this program must happen within the context of Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).
In addition, the following programs and modules must be installed for full functionality of the pipeline.

Program Written with version
Samtools >=1.3.1
Python 3.7.0
Python module Pysam >=0.15.1
Python module MatPlotLib (optional) >=1.5.1
lobSTR 4.0.6

lobSTR is available at


When you first download this set of scripts, go to and change the following variables. Make sure there are no spaces around the equals sign after editing.

Variable Line # Value
DS_PATH 37 Path to your directory with these scripts.
SAMTOOLS_PATH 38 Path to your installation of samtools.
lobSTR_PATH 39 Path to your installation of lobSTR.


The bed file used in this pipeline has the following columns:

Column Description
chrom The chromosome containing the polyG
start The start position of the polyG
stop The end position of the polyG
annotation An annotation, in the form "PolyG_name:Motif:ReferenceLength"



In order to configure a run, set up a pre-config file with all the relevant information about each sample to be run. An excel template has been provided to help with this operation. In the event that the template does not work, or if you don't want to use it, a pre-config file is a CSV file with the following headers (note: capitalization matters):

Header default description
RUN_ID A label for this sample. Required.
ref The lobSTR-formated reference to use for this sample. Required.
target_bed The bed file of target PolyG loci to use for this sample. Required.
seq1 seq1.fq The input read 1 file for this sample. May be gziped.
seq2 seq2.fq The input read 2 file for this sample. May be gziped.
minMem 3 The minimum number of reads passing lobSTR required for consensus making.
minDiff 0 The stringency of consensus making. The frequency difference between first and second most abundant allele must be GREATER than this value for a consensus to be called for that family.
motif G The expected motif; note that the reverse compliment of this motif is also expected.
tagLen 10 The length of duplex tags used in library preparation.
spacerLen 1 The length of the spacer sequence used in library preparation.
cleanup FALSE Sets whether to clean up intermediate files at end of run.

Make sure that there are no spaces in this file; if spaces are present, this could interfere with processing later.

After saving this file as a .CSV, run python3 -I myPreconfigFile.csv where 'myPreconfigFile.csv' is the file you created. Move the resulting config files into the appropriate folders for their samples.

Alternatively, you can copy the config example ( and edit it for a particular sample.

Running the pipeline

The pipeline can be run by calling bash where RUN_ID is the run id for a particular sample (as specified in the preconfig file. You can also use a loop script that looks something like this:

set -e
set -o pipefail
set -u

folderList=$(cat $1)

for fileIter in ${folderList}
    cd ${fileIter}
    bash /path/to/DS_PolyG/programs/ \
    cd ../

which would take a list of directories you want to process as input.


For each sample, this pipeline generates a number of output files, described below.

Output Description
*.tagstats.txt A description of family sizes found in the raw data.
*.png A graphical representation of the tagstats file, above.
*.zoom.png Family size plot zoomed in to families of size 1-40.
*.smi.aligned.stats Statistics from lobSTR.
*_lobSTR_tagstats.txt A description of family sizes found in post-lobSTR data.
*.lobSTR_DCScalls_bad.txt DCS calls that failed allele filtering.
*.lobSTR_DCScalls_good.txt DCS calls that passed allele filtering.
*.lobSTR_SSCScalls_bad.txt SSCS calls that failed allele filtering.
*.lobSTR_SSCScalls_good.txt SSCS calls that passed allele filtering.
*.lobSTR_Rawcalls_bad.txt Raw calls that failed allele filtering. This file contains an example read for each allele.
*.lobSTR_Rawcalls_good.txt Raw calls that passed allele filtering.
*.logSTR_summary_stats.txt Combined allele filtering statistics



  1. Tag processing
  2. Align and genotype reads with lobSTR
  3. Sort aligned reads
  4. Index sorted reads
  5. Consensus of genotypes by alignment
  6. Allele filtering

1. Tag processing


python3 \
    --infile1 read1.fq.gz \
    --infile2 read2.fq.gz \
    --taglen 10 \
    --spacerlen 1 \
    --outprefix myRunID \


Input Required / default Description
--infile1 Required The read 1 file for this sample. May be gziped.
--infile2 Required The read 2 file for this sample. May be gziped.
--outprefix Required Prefix for output files. Will prepend onto file name .smi.fq. Will be gziped if inputs are gziped.
--taglen 12 The length of duplex tags used in library preparation.
--spacerlen 5 The length of the spacer sequence used in library preparation.
--filtSpacer None Optional: Filter out sequences lacking the inputed spacer sequence. Not recommended due to significant base calling issues with the invariant spacer
--tagstats False Optional Flag: Output tagstats file and make distribution plot of tag family sizes. Requires matplotlib to be installed.
--readout 1000000 How many reads are processed before progress is reported.
--reduce False Optional Flag: Only output reads that will make a final DCS read. Will only work when the --tagstats option is invoked. Not recommended

Note that the defaults for --taglen and --spacerlen are set to 12 and 5, respectively, for historical reasons. In practice, these parameters should be set based on the duplex adapters used in sequencing library preparation.


Output Description
outPrefix.seq1.smi.fq(.gz) Read 1 file with duplex tags moved to the read name.
outPrefix.seq2.smi.fq(.gz) Read 2 file with duplex tags moved to the read name.
outPrefix.tagstats.txt Family size data as proportion of reads with each family size.
outPrefix.png Full family size plot.
outPrefix.zoom.png Family size plot zoomed in to families of size 1-40.

2. Align and genotype reads with lobSTR

See lobSTR documentation ( for description of lobSTR arguments and command structure.
Inputs: outPrefix.seq1.smi.fq(.gz) and outPrefix.seq2.smi.fq(.gz) from step 1.

  • outPrefix.smi.aligned.bam: lobSTR aligned and genotyped raw reads.
  • outPrefix.smi.aligned.stats: statistics generated by lobSTR during its run.

3. Sort aligned reads

Read sorting by position is done using samtools sort; see samtools website ( for full documentation.
Inputs: outPrefix.smi.aligned.bam from step 2. Outputs: outPrefix.smi.aligned.sorted.bam

4. Index sorted reads

Read indexing is done using samtools index; see samtools website ( for full documentation.
Inputs: outPrefix.smi.aligned.sorted.bam from step 3. Outputs: outPrefix.smi.aligned.sorted.bam.bai

5. Generate Raw, SSCS, and DCS calls


    python3 \
    --input outPrefix.smi.aligned.sorted.bam \
    --bed ${BED_PATH} \
    --prefix ${RUN_ID} \
    --taglen ${tagLen} \
    --minmem ${minMem} \
    --mindiff ${minDiff} \
    --motif ${motif} \


Input Required / default Description
--input Required Path to lobSTR-aligned, paired-end, sorted bam file.
--bed Required Path to bed file which has the loci identifiers.
--motif Required The expected motif; note that the reverse compliment of this motif is also expected.
--minmem 3 The minimum number of reads passing lobSTR required for consensus making.
--mindiff 0 The frequency difference between first and second most abundant allele must be GREATER than this for a consensus to be called for that family.
--rawcalls False Option to have a text file with raw calls printed out.
--taglen 10 The length of duplex tags used in library preparation.
--prefix Required Sample name to uniquely identify samples.
--debug False Use to print out families that don't make consensus to stdout.


Output Description
outPrefix.lobSTR_Rawcalls.txt Raw calls. This file contains an example read for each allele.
outPrefix.lobSTR_SSCScalls.txt SSCS calls.
outPrefix.lobSTR_DCScalls.txt DCS calls.
outPrefix_lobSTR_tagstats.txt A description of family sizes found in post-lobSTR data.

6. Allele filtering

Filter out alleles that diverge too much from a pure monomer. The amount of non-monomeric nucleotides allowed is determined by the -d and -D arguments.
This step is run once for each of Rawcalls, SSCScalls, and DCScalls. The example shown below is for DCScalls.

python3 \
    -i outPrefix.lobSTR_DCScalls.txt \
    -p outPrefix.lobSTR_DCScalls \
    -b \
    -m ${motif} \
    -d 2 \
    -D 2


Input Required / default Description
-i, --input Required A file containing tabulated Raw, SSCS, or DCS polyG calls.
-p, --prefix Required A prefix for output files.
-b, --badOut False Flag to output a file containing bad calls.
-m, --motif Required The motif (A, T, C, or G) that you are expecting.
-d, --badDiff 2 The number of bases that are neither the motif nor the reverse compliment of the motif that you are willing to tolerate.
-D, --goodDiff 2 The number of reverse compliment of motif bases you are willing to tolerate.


Output Description
outPrefix.lobSTR_DCScalls_bad.txt DCS calls that failed allele filtering.
outPrefix.lobSTR_DCScalls_good.txt DCS calls that passed allele filtering.
outPrefix.lobSTR_DCScalls_stats.txt DCS call allele filtering statistics.


CRISPR-DS with Poly_G data processing pipeline







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