Simple script to trim (trim_galore), align (bwa), primer trim (ivar) and conseus call (ivar) a sample. This is a basically a hard coded adaptation of valvs for covid19.
This is a simple script (that uses existing tools)and should not be used as a shortcut in the methods of a paper to represent methodology used. You should use the sentence:
"For illumina reads, reads were trimmed with trim_galore ( and mapped with BWA {Li,2009} to the Wuhan-Hu-1 reference sequence, followed by primer trimming and consensus calling with iVar {Grubaugh,2019}. A read coverage of least 10 was used for the consensus."
If starting from a folder of (unzipped) FASTQs from multiple samples i.e. an Illumina run, with the reads in the format:
First run to create a folder for each sample and move each samples corresponding FASTQs into it's folder:
Then to run Primal Align over each sample it's folder, run
By deafult it will use the V1 primers, to use other primers (e.g. V2 or V3) provide this as an argument to the script: V2
This will run primal align on each sample. To run primal align on a single sample, move into a folder which has paired end FASTQs in the format _R1_0001.fastq and _R2_0001.fastq and type:
By deafult it will use the V1 primers, to use other primers (e.g. V2 or V3) provide this as an argument to the script: V2
This will run:
- trim_galore: quality 20 and length 50
- bwa mem
- remove primers using ivar
- create a consensus using ivar: quality 20 depth 10
It will create:
- SampleName.bam - no primer trimming/clipping
- SampleName_trim.bam - with ivar primer trimming/clipping
- SampleName_trim_ivar_consensus - ivar consensus sequence
There will also be a log file called
Which has the following info:
- Number of raw reads (reads not pairs)
- Number of trimmed reads (reads not pairs) - number and as a % of raw
- Number of reads mapping to BAM - number and as a % of raw
- Number of reads mapping to primer trimmed/clipped BAM - number and as a % of raw
- Average coverage extracted from weeSAM output
This is hard coded to run on alpha and hard coded for the covid-19 ref MN908947.fasta and artic v1 primers nCoV-2019-v1.bed to keep it minimal, will add an option to change to V2/V3 primers in a second.
Very very simple script to trim reads with trim_galore, align with bwa, sam to bam filtering out supplementary and additional alignments and primer-clip reads post alignment using bamclipper. NB: it is hardcoded to point to the bamclipper in my home directory on alpha. The -d and -i options should be tweaked
Within a folder with two fastqs in the format *_R1_001.fastq and *_R2_001.fastq (it will find those fatsq's automatically) provide the reference path/name, the stub for output names, and the bed file of primer locations with respect to the reference. ref.fasta output_name ref.bed
This will create a raw and primer clipped bam file (plus indexes):
I have included the nCoV reference and primer BEDPE file based on V1 of artic nCoV-2019 primers
bash MN908947.fasta output_name MN908947_bed.txt