Explore the MIMIC III database quickly and easily using a visual query builder.
Possible Uses:
Assess the viability of using MIMIC III to investigate your research question by performing a quick estimate of the number of ICU stays or unique subjects meeting specified criteria
Rapidly generate statistics regarding historical patient outcomes in specific clinical scenarios
Learn about the structure and content of MIMIC III through a point-and-click interface.
You will need the following:
Postgres (and the MIMIC III database)
Clone project
Bundle install
Add the following environment variables to .bash_profile or similar: ‘MIMIC_HOST’ (e.g. localhost), ‘MIMIC_PORT’ (e.g. 5432), MIMIC_DATABASE’ (e.g. MIMIC), ‘MIMIC_DATABASE_USER’, ‘MIMIC_DATABASE_PASSWORD’ (see /config/database.yml for usage)
In the Rails console: require ‘table_print’
Start Postgres
Start the Rails server
Go to localhost:3000