This assignment is about XML, XML Schema (XSD), XPath and XSL.
Detailed inforamtion about the assignment can be found here.
In this assignment an RDFS university ontology was created containing:
- 6 Classes
- 9 Properties
and filled with:
- 8 University departments
- 11 Professors
- 17 Students
- 10 Courses
- 16 Classrooms
Then some SPARQL queries were executed in this ontology. Finally, an app in JAVA was developed, using JenaAPI allowing the user to select a Department and display all the information related to it, add new data to the ontology and run a search by giving the URI of a resource.
Detailed inforamtion about the assignment can be found here.
A football OWL ontology was created in Protege.
Also, an application in Java was developed. The application:
- Loads the football OWL ontology and applies an Inference model
- Allows the retrieval and display of snapshots of the ontology after the selection of a class by the user.
- Allows the insertion of new snapshots.
- Allows the search of snapshots based on user-defined parameter values, using SPARQL queries.
- Allows the search of snapshots based on parameter values, to be specified by the user.
Detailed inforamtion about the assignment can be found here (in greek).