u-stats is a service providing analytics on redditors' activity. Hosted on Heroku at http://u-stats.herokuapp.com/.
u-stats visualizes users' past activity and provides insight into how users' spend time on reddit. Posts are grouped by subreddit, weekday and hour.
The service also features a recommendation system that recommends new subreddits based on past activity. This is a collaborative filtering model based on implicit feedback matrix factorization and trained on the 2015 post statistics of over 600 000 reddit users on the 2 000 most popular subreddits. The training data was retrieved with Google BigQuery.
The backend and analytics processing is written in Python, and the website with jQuery and D3.js.
- Flask
- Flask-PyMongo
- requests (interfacing with reddit API)
- waitress (WSGI server)
- nltk
- implicit (recommendation system training, not required by the web app)