- Import the the
import { Mock } from "ts-moq/moq";
- Declare a variable to hold the instance of the mock
let dummyServiceMock: Mock<DummyService>;
- Initialize the mock before each unit test
dummyServiceMock = new Mock<DummyService>();
- Setup your mock
dummyServiceMock.spyOn(x => x.getDummyData)
.and.callFake.promise.resolve(() =>
{name: "John Dae"},
{name: "Nanni Sacase"},
{name: "Terrye Riccetti"}
- If you are using a dependency injection container, register the mock on your container
container.registerInstance(DummyService, dummyServiceMock.object);
- If you are using a dependency injection container, get the instance of your subject under test through your container so that the registration of your mock is injected
sut = container.get(HomeComponent);
- Use and flush the mock promise queue on your unit tests as needed. e.g.:
it("should disable the edit option until the has loaded", async (done) => {
// call the function that calls the dataservice
// assert on values that should not change until the promise is resolved (data is back from the server)
// control when a promise should be resolved during the unit test
await Mock.promiseQueue.flushAndWait();
// assert on what should happen when the promise is resolved (data is back from the server)