FLARE is a lightweight header-only C++ machine learning library featuring popular neural network architectures. Its simple interface allows developers to implement code for natural language processing tasks and image recognition.
Place FLARE and Eigen into your project folder and add the following to your CMakeLists.txt file
- compile with the following flags for better performance
- O2
- fopenmp (strongly recommended if using Multi-head Attention or Softmax activation)
#include <flare/flare.hpp>
to start using FLARE
Train a model to add three numbers
#include <iostream>
#include <flare/flare.hpp>
int main()
using namespace fl;
Dataset dataset(Dims<1>(3), Dims<1>(1));
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
Tensor<1> nums = RandomUniform(Dims<1>(3), 0, 1);
Tensor<1> sum = nums.sum().reshape(Dims<1>(1));
dataset.Add(nums, sum);
dataset.Batch(1, true);
Sequential model {
new Dense<Linear>(3, 1, false),
MeanSquaredError<2> loss;
SGD opt;
Tensor<2> test(1, 3);
test.setValues({{1, 2, 3}});
std::cout << "initial weights\n" << model.layers[0]->GetWeights2D()[0] << "\n";
std::cout << "sum: " << test << ": " << model.Predict<2>(test) << "\n\n";
model.Fit(dataset.training_samples, dataset.training_labels, 2, loss, opt);
std::cout << "trained weights\n" << model.layers[0]->GetWeights2D()[0] << "\n";
std::cout << "sum: " << test << ": " << model.Predict<2>(test) << "\n\n";
- Layers
- Dense
- Embedding
- Convolution 2D
- Max Pooling 2D
- Flatten
- Reshape
- Convolution 2D Transpose
- Batch Normalization
- Dropout
- Gated Recurrent Unit
- Long Short-Term Memory
- Bidirectional RNN
- Multi-head Attention
- Activation Functions
- Sigmoid
- TanH
- ReLU
- Linear
- Swish
- Softplus
- Softsign
- Softmax (rank 2 tensor layer outputs only)
- Loss
- Binary Cross-entropy
- Mean Squared Error
- Categorical Cross-entropy (also known as Cross-entropy)
- Mean Absolute Error
- Kullback-Leibler Divergence
- Optimizer
- Stochastic Gradient Descent (with momentum)
- Adam
- RMSprop
- Weight Initializers
- Glorot Uniform
- Glorot Normal
- He Uniform
- He Normal
- Lecun Uniform
- Lecun Normal
- Metrics
- Loss
- Dataset Class
- Batching
- Shuffling
- Normalization
- Image-To-Tensor (requires OpenCV)
- Softmax activation (12/1/2022)
- Categorical cross entropy loss (12/1/2022)
- Add progress bar to display during training (12/6/2022)
- Multithreading support (12/12/2022)
- Generative Adversarial Networks support (Conv2DTranspose valid padding 12/26/2022, BatchNormalization 1/13/2023, Conv2DTranspose output and same padding 1/15/2023)
- Save and load weights from files
- Gated Recurrent Unit (3/9/2023)
- Long Short-Term Memory (3/26/2023)
- Bidirectional RNN (4/5/2023)
- Add bias support for layers
- Evaluate a test set per epoch
- Accuracy metrics
- Attention architecture