Hi there 👋 I'm Riho
- 🏗 Building in web3.
- 💎Rubyist
- 👩💻 a Fullstack Software Engineer
- 🗣Organized RailsGirls Tokyo 11th, DevFest Women Tokyo 2019, TokyoGirls.rb
- Podcaster
- 🧇Senior Web developer working at Waffle.org
- ✨Technovation girls japan chaptor coding leader.
- Web3, p5js, Typescript, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Solidity, React, Next.js, BigQuery, CloudFunction, AWS, GCP
- 🍷🍺🍖🍣🍰
- 2021-7: NYC🗽
- 2019-9 ~ 2021-7: Osaka🇯🇵
yancanfm(https://www.yancan.tech/) It's a podcast with two women talking about things related to technology.
- Twitter: @rllllho
- Instagram: @rlho