Golang implementation of the StarkEx Pederson Hash Function used for dYdX Exchange Authentication.
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create or restore your ethereum wallet using the 24 mnemonic word list
// used to derive the wallet's private key. If you provide no word list a
// new wallet is created.
sig := signer.New(signer.Config{
Wal: wallet.New(wallet.Config{Mne: "tea choral speed ... teddy moon brother"}),
// Register a new user account for the underlying wallet. Once your user
// account got created you can further use the client implementation in
// order to access private endpoints.
var use signer.User
use = sig.User(sig.Keyp())
var key *private.Key
key = sig.Keyp()
fmt.Printf("stark private key %s\n", hexutil.EncodeBig(key.Pri))
fmt.Printf("stark public key %s\n", hexutil.EncodeBig(key.Pub.X))
fmt.Printf("stark public key y coordinate %s\n", hexutil.EncodeBig(key.Pub.Y))
fmt.Printf("ethereum address %s\n", use.User.EthereumAddress)
fmt.Printf("dydx api key %s\n", use.ApiKey.Key)
fmt.Printf("dydx api passphrase %s\n", use.ApiKey.Passphrase)
fmt.Printf("dydx api secret %s\n", use.ApiKey.Secret)
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create or restore your ethereum wallet using the 24 mnemonic word list
// used to derive the wallet's private key. If you provide no word list a
// new wallet is created.
sig := signer.New(signer.Config{
Wal: wallet.New(wallet.Config{Mne: "tea choral speed ... teddy moon brother"}),
// Recover the dydx default api credentials for the underlying wallet.
var cre signer.Apic
cre = sig.Apic()
// Derive the stark key pair for the underlying wallet.
var key *private.Key
key = sig.Keyp()
// Create the secret configuration required to use the dydx client
// implementation.
var sec secret.Secret
sec = secret.Secret{
StkPrk: hexutil.EncodeBig(key.Pri),
StkPux: hexutil.EncodeBig(key.Pub.X),
StkPuy: hexutil.EncodeBig(key.Pub.Y),
EthAdd: sig.Wal.Add.String(),
ApiKey: cre.Key,
ApiPas: cre.Passphrase,
ApiSec: cre.Secret,
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", sec)
package main
import (
func main() {
var cli *client.Client
cli = client.New(client.Config{
Sec: secret.Secret{
StkPrk: "stark private key",
StkPux: "stark public key",
StkPuy: "stark public key y coordinate",
EthAdd: "ethereum address",
ApiKey: "dydx api key",
ApiPas: "dydx api passphrase",
ApiSec: "dydx api secret",
acc, err := cli.Pri.Acc.Get(account.Request{Address: "ethereum address"})
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", acc)