Covid web tracker is web-based tool designed to emulate some functionalities of the COVID-19 Public Health Care System (C19PHCS), to help the public health administration keep track of, monitor, and control the spread of COVID-19.
The application maintains personal information about the population involved in the pandemic whether infected or not, information about Public Health workers involved in the PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) tests, information about the Public Health facilities where PCR tests are performed, and the diagnostic results.
Covid web tracker is developed using Laravel, Compose, and MySQL. The application offers a graphical user interface that contains an authentication layer and a CRUD API. Authentication layer separates regular users from authorized users and provides a different view based on user's permissions. In their portal regular users will receive messages regarding the status their PCR test and alerts which includes the change in the status of their region and the new guidelines that should be followed. Authorized users however have access to the CURD API where they can send and edit alerts and messages to regular users.
The E/R diagram below illustrates the design of the application's database.
To set up and run the application, you need to have the dependencies installed/configured.
You will need a server and a dependency manager to run the application.
XAMPP is a free and open-source tool cross-platform web server solution package that offers an interpreter (among other things) for scripts written in PHP. For installation and configuration instructions of XAMPP server, refer to the official website/documentation.
Composer is an application-level dependency manager for PHP. For installation and configuration instructions of Composer, refer to the official website/documentation.
The application database is developed using MySQL. For installation and configuration instructions of MySQL, refer to the official website/documentation.
In a powershell instance enter the following command:
composer global require Laravel/installer
Lastly, having installed and configuerd the dependencies, you can run the application by running the following command in powershell:
cd "directory/where/you/cloned/the/repo"
php artisan serve
The application will run on port 8000 of the local host: http://localhost:8000
Covid web tracker is licensed under the terms of MIT License.