Pseudo-it is a method developed by Brice Sarver( ). which generates a pseudoreference through a process of iterative mapping and reference calling steps. This project was designed to run on the TTU clusters but could easily be generalized for other environments.
Run without any parameters to see documentation.
ssh hrothgar
qlogin -pe sm 10 -q Yoda -P communitycluster
cd /lustre/scratch/my_project
nohup /lustre/work/daray/software/pseudo-it-nextflow-v0.4/
-reference /lustre/work/foobar/foo.fa
-PE1 /lustre/work/foobar/R1.fastq
-PE2 /lustre/work/foobar/R2.fastq
-SE /lustre/work/foobar/SE.fastq
-cluster hrothgar
-outputDir /lustre/scratch/username/results-genome1 >& run-genome1.log &
Release Notes:
0.4 : Initial release 0.5 : Added bwaBatchSize and haploBatchSize as command line parameters.
Robert Hubley, 2017