Moniplot is a Python data visualization library based on matplotlib and xarray. It provides a high-level interface for drawing attractive and informative graphics for onground calibration data analysis or inflight instrument monitoring.
Online documentation is available from Read the Docs.
The module moniplot requires Python3.8+ and Python modules: cartopy, h5py, matplotlib, numpy and xarray.
Installation instructions are provided on Read the Docs or in the INSTALL file.
Several modules from the package pys5p have been moved to moniplot, because they are not specific for the data of Sentinel 5 precursor.
- module - contains a Python implementation of the Tukey's biweight algorithm.
- module - definition of colour schemes for lines and maps that also work for colour-blind people by Paul Tol.
- module - the class S5Pplot is rewritten and now available as MONplot in the module