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Gated recurrent unit neural network project (Python/Theano)


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This implements a multi-layer gated recurrent unit neural network project in Python/Theano, for training and sampling from character-level models. The code is inspired by Andrej Karpathy's (@karpathy) char-rnn and Denny Britz' (@dennybritz) WildML RNN tutorial. Training uses stochastic gradient descent (SGD), with gradient clipping (+/- 5.0) and RMSProp to stabilize updates per-parameter.

The model will encode an input source text file as sequences of characters, and trains a GRU neural network to predict the next character in a sequence. The model can then be sampled at various temperatures to generate text. Training is batched by default, with user-specified batch size (default 16). Input text is split into fixed-size sequences (the last sequence will be padded with text from the beginning of the file if necessary) for ease of batching. Training round durations can be partial epochs, for testing initial hyperparameter choices. Short generated samples are printed during training.

Hidden states are stored between sequences, as the input file is not split by line or delimiter, thus each training sequence is presented to the model as a continuous stream with regards to the hidden state. At epoch rollover, the hidden state is shuffled so that each part of the batch advances through the source continuously. The position of the model within the dataset is stored, along with the last returned hidden state, so that training for partial epochs doesn't affect continuity of the hidden states of each layer. Batches are constructed from evenly-spaced slices of the dataset, to prevent overlap and maintain continuity for each segment in a batch.

A character set is constructed from the input file, and data is encoded as one-hot vectors of length equal to the charset size. (As an implementation detail, sequences are stored as integer indices, and translated to one-hot vectors on demand.) Training and validation data sets are both taken from the input file, in proportions (trainfrac, 1 - trainfrac) as specified in arguments to initfromsrcfile().

Two variants are (currently) available, GRUResize and GRUEncode. GRUResize uses the first recurrent layer as the input layer, taking in a vocabulary-sized vector and giving a hidden-state-sized vector as output. Additional layers input and output state-sized vectors, and then an output layer translates from state-sized vector to vocab-sized vector. GRUEncode uses a separate non-recurrent layer (using tanh as the activation function) as the input layer, and all hidden layers input and output state-sized vectors.

Personally, I've had more luck with GRUEncode, so that's default.


The code is written in Python (with Numpy), and uses Theano to provide auto-differentiation and GPU acceleration (GPU usage requires additional configuration -- see the Theano documentation for details). Minimum Python version is 3.4 and minimum Theano version is 0.7, along with any additional dependencies from these.


As Theano's compliation step can be time-consuming, this code is presently designed to be used in the interactive Python shell. To launch, go to the project directory and use:

python3 -i

Once at the shell, use help(ModelState) and help(HyperParams) to familiarize yourself with the functions available.

All the main functions regarding initialization, training, and generation are accessible through the ModelState class.


To initialize a model from a text file:

ms = ModelState.initfromsrcfile('/path/to/txt/file.txt', 'workingdir', modeltype='GRUEncode', trainfrac=0.9, layers=2, state_size=256, learnrate=0.001, decay=0.95, regcost=0.1)

By default, the parameter matrices will be initialized, the untrained loss will be calculated, and a starting checkpoint will be created.

To train the model:

ms.trainmodel(num_rounds=3, batchsize=16, print_every=100)

To generate text:

generatestring(ms, numchars=3000, temp=0.5)

The model state, encoded dataset, and checkpoint files are stored in the working directory specified in initfromsrcfile(). To reload a saved model, use:

ms = ModelState.load('workingdir')

This will reload the model state from the last checkpoint. However, since Theano compilation can be slow, the model paramters and text generation functions are not automatically reloaded. To do so, use:


This will load the model's parameter matrices and recompile text generation functions. An additional training function compilation step will be automatically performed if trainmodel() is called. To restore from a previous checkpoint:



The following hyperparameters are available when initializing a model:

Name Description Default
layers Number of hidden layers 2
state_size Hidden state vector size 128
learnrate SGD learning rate 1e-3
decay RMSProp decay constant 0.95
regcost L2 regularization constant 0.1

These arguments will be passed to the constructor of HyperParams when calling initfromsrcfile()


Apache 2.0 (see LICENSE.txt for details)


Gated recurrent unit neural network project (Python/Theano)







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