Asynchronous Python client for the Loqio Charging Station API.
A python package with which you can read the data from your Loqio Charging Station.
pip install python-loqio-charging-station
# todo
This is an active open-source project. We are always open to people who want to use the code or contribute to it.
We've set up a separate document for our contribution guidelines.
Thank you for being involved! 😍
This Python project is fully managed using the Poetry dependency manager.
You need at least:
- Python 3.9+
- Poetry
Install all packages, including all development requirements:
poetry install
Poetry creates by default an virtual environment where it installs all necessary pip packages, to enter or exit the venv run the following commands:
poetry shell
Setup the pre-commit check, you must run this inside the virtual environment:
pre-commit install
Now you're all set to get started!
As this repository uses the pre-commit framework, all changes are linted and tested with each commit. You can run all checks and tests manually, using the following command:
poetry run pre-commit run --all-files
To run just the Python tests:
poetry run pytest