CLI tool to convert CSV/TSV files to Excel spreadsheets, while not converting gene names (e.g. OCT4, DEC1) into dates in the process.
For converting small files, you can use the Oct4th web application.
To learn more about this issue, check out this article.
pip3 install -U oct4th
# Convert a CSV file to XLSX
oct4th --input ./data/test.csv --output ./data/test.xlsx
import oct4th
# Convert a CSV file to XLSX
oct4th.csv_to_xlsx(file_in="./data/test.csv", file_out="./data/test.xlsx")
python3 -m venv ve
. ve/bin/activate
pip install setuptools wheel twine pytest xlsxwriter pandas xlrd
PYTHONPATH=. pytest ./tests/
# Clean up and rebuild
. ve/bin/activate
rm -rf ./build/ ./dist/
python3 sdist bdist_wheel
# Check before deploying
twine check dist/*
# Upload to testpypi
python3 -m twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*
# Test install
deactivate; pip3 install -U -i oct4th==1.0.0b9
# Deploy to pypi
# python3 -m twine upload --repository pypi dist/*