Gocyclo calculates cyclomatic complexities of functions in Go source code. This version has the option to ignore error handling due to the error handling syntax in Go.
The cyclomatic complexity of a function is calculated according to the following rules:
1 is the base complexity of a function
+1 for each 'if', 'for', 'case', '&&' or '||'
when noerror flag is set if err != nil will be ignored
To install, run
$ go get github.com/rgeurden/gocyclo
and put the resulting binary in one of your PATH directories if
isn't already in your PATH.
$ gocyclo [<flag> ...] <Go file or directory> ...
$ gocyclo .
$ gocyclo main.go
$ gocyclo -top 10 src/
$ gocyclo -over 25 docker
$ gocyclo -avg .
$ gocyclo -noerror .
The output fields for each line are:
<complexity> <package> <function> <file:row:column>