A puppet module for managing Sensu on servers and clients.
sensu::server is only tested on Ubuntu 11.04.
sensu::client is only tested on Ubuntu 11.04 and Debian 5.0.
To install the sensu server components on a node, add the following to your node manifest.
node 'foobar.example.org' {
include sensu::server
This installs the following components on that node:
- RabbitMQ
- Redis
- sensu-api
- sensu-client
- sensu-dashboard
- sensu-server
To install the sensu-client on a node, add the following to your node manifest.
node 'foobar.example.org' {
include sensu::client
Note that the ruby::rubygems-class which is included in manifests/init.pp is a basic class that downloads and installs rubygems on the system.