Releases: robmcmullen/omnivore
Pip installable
This version should be pip-installable. The command pip install omnivore
should work on all platforms.
Delay in 1.0 release
I've decided to go back to pre-1.0 versions because I'm upgrading to the latest major version of the wxPython GUI toolkit. Among the many advantages: it's pip
installable, so Linux users will then be able to pip install omnivore
This version is still broken in a number of ways, so stay at the 1.0rcX for the moment unless you want to test the bleeding edge.
Final (?) release candidate
If you'd like to test Omnivore before the official 1.0 release, this is it! See the 1.0 milestone for the list of bugs targeted and fixed for this release.
I plan on a more complete set of documentation for the 1.0 release, but at least there is some documentation now at Help -> User Guide
MS Windows Note: Omnivore is now packaged as a single executable, not an installer. This executable can be run from anywhere, and doesn't need administrator privileges. Please uninstall previous versions so there isn't confusion about which version to run, because existing links on the desktop or pinned in the task bar will point to the old version.
Bugfix for search
Fixes a bug when searching in files inside of ATR files
Built-in assembler for custom Jumpman code
This release has a built-in MAC/65 compatible 6502 assembler and special hooks to make it easy to create custom Jumpman levels. See the reverse engineering notes for details on the hooks provided for your subroutines, and go to the website for an overview of the process.
Bug fixes & updated memory maps
- Added Apple ][ and KIM-1 memory maps contributed by Charles Mangin.
- fix for loading ATR images with non-standard boot sectors using fewer than 3 sectors
Mirror jumpman objects
Added mirroring commands so you can flip groups of jumpman draw objects vertically or horizontally
Jumpman load bugfix
Fixes a bug where loading jumpman levels initially displayed the wrong bitmap graphics mode
Better metadata save
Now remembers more info about the view; should remember colors, processor type, etc. when you reload a file.
Bug fixes in map edit mode
0.13.3 Updated version minor number