CeRTSearcH uses the crt.sh database to handle two use cases for which the https://crt.sh/ web interface is not well suited:
- Very large result sets. e.g., all dNSName values that match %.com
- Delta searches. i.e., what's new since I last searched?
The https://crt.sh/ web interface relies on Full Text Search indexes to perform a single SQL query over the entire corpus of certificates; in contrast, CeRTSearcH performs multiple sequential SQL queries over adjacent and relatively small ranges of crt.sh IDs.
Given the huge number of certificates known to crt.sh, CeRTSearcH can be expected to take a minimum of several days to search the entire database starting at -startID 1
. Parallel processing of multiple ranges of crt.sh IDs would be faster, but since it would work the database harder it is deliberately not supported by CeRTSearcH; this is because crt.sh:5432 is a finite resource that is shared between many users.
go build
> ./CeRTSearcH -h
Usage of ./CeRTSearcH:
-batchSize int
Number of certificate records to process per batch (default 100000)
Report first crt.sh record only for (pre)certificate pairs [note: ~4x slower]
-endID int
crt.sh ID to stop at (default 9223372036854775807)
-logLevel string
Logging verbosity [debug, info, error, fatal] (default "debug")
-q string
Search term [use % for wildcard matching] (default "%")
-sanType string
Subject Alternative Name attributes to search [NONE, ANY, rfc822Name, dNSName, iPAddress] (default "dNSName")
Show the SQL query that would be used, then exit
Guarantee results are ordered by crt.sh ID
-startID int
crt.sh ID to start from [-1 = stream new records, starting at max(ID)+1] (default -1)
-subjectType string
Subject DN attributes to search [NONE, ANY, <OID>] (default "NONE")
Ignore expired certificates
Remove duplicate results (e.g., identical CN and dNSName in the same certificate)