This is a scratchpad project where I'm testing a bunch of things concurrently.
Building image and running locally
docker build -t rust-testapi .
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 rust-testapi
Note: To debug failing Docker builds, I had to use DOCKER_BUILDKIT=0
(see here).
Pushing to ECR
aws --profile robwilliams42-root ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
docker tag rust-testapi
docker push
Currently created manually by following this guide.
aws --profile <my aws profile> ec2 create-key-pair --region us-east-1 --key-name k8skeypair2
eksctl create cluster -f aws/ClusterConfig.yaml --profile <my aws profile>
As a side note, I tried creating things manually by following the AWS console + CLI guide, and it wound up in a state where Fargate never provisioned any nodes and so I couldn't do anything.
I also ran into a bug where eksctl
ignores basically all of your configuration parameters if you specify an AWS profile using --profile
, so this is why I used the ClusterConfig.yaml file. I found their example configurations more useful than the written documentation.
Rust-based web service API. This isn't a huge focus, but wanted to use Rust to continue my investment in that language. My first attempt with a Warp hello world ended prematurely when I couldn't get graceful shutdown working (CTRL+C against docker run
) within 15 minutes. I switched to Actix-web which I am more familiar with, and that worked out of the box once I fixed the common
bind mistake.
Figure out how to set up authentication with EKS. It seems to have some OpenID Connect options, but I need to investigate this more.