Rebirth of
How to use:
pip install netaddr requests
git clone
cd geoxplanet/src
Current status:
The "infrastructure" code is in place, minus the actual image generation bits. For now, the code will auto-download the Maxmind GeoLite2 database (corruption occurs on Windows, workarounds below), unzip it, and format the data into a sqlite3 database. Then the code will loop over netstat output (planned: pflow/netflow support) and perform db lookups on the IP Connections it finds to public IPs.
Windows Corruption workaround:
1) Download:
2) Move the downloaded file to %USERPROFILE%/.config/GeoXPlanet
3) Unzip the file to %USERPROFILE%/.config/GeoXPlanet/GeoLite2/
This will create %USERPROFILE%/.config/GeoXPlanet/GeoLite2/GeoLite2-City-CSV_$DATE Then relaunch the script which will then perform a sanity check on the database and rebuild it upon failure.