- A french translation for stephskardal/rails_admin_import (https://github.com/stephskardal/rails_admin_import)
I put all my locales used on my calendar project https://github.com/rodinux/plannings_ecranvillage with Rails. The major problem was with the format of the date and of the hours with the code of rails_admin as the datepicker have a bug to translate the hours. To understand see this issue
I found this solution, I have to keep the default american format for the date
default: ! '%d/%m/%Y'
and added a date format :very_long for my views translated. To get the time in datepicker I found this format :
long: ! '%d %B %Y %H:%M %p'
Also the translation of the date fr.yml have been corrected in few lines from the source. I get it to have the good order of the days, I think my sources found a file with the american order where the weeks begin on Sunday and not on Monday in France...
I hope it can be hepfull to someone. Have fun.