This is a Ray Tracing implementation in C++.
This code implements rays' intersection with spheres and plane. There is also reflection.
It was implemented and tested on ubuntu 14.04, compiled using g++ 4.8.2 and depends on SDL2 to render the scene. There is a minimalist makefile.
To compile just clone the repository and type: make. You need the SDL2 to compile it without problems.
- [SDL2] (
The executable will be created in the folder "build". To run the program, just type ./RayTracingT3, passing as argument the width, height and the fov (field of view) desired -- this last argumnet is optional (default value is 60º).
The following image was generated typing the following command after build the source:
./RayTracingT3 800 600 60
Fell free to contribute.