Prepare the kubernetes cluster on AWS using terraform :
- connect to terraform server
1.install kubectl install aws-iam-authenticator install eksctl
copy and (includes EKS configuration) to your terraform server , and run "terraform apply"
wait for the deployment to finish.
when it's done run the following commands :
"aws eks --region eu-central-1 update-kubeconfig --name terraform-eks-demo"
"terraform output config_map_aws_auth >> aws-auth-cm.yaml"
"kubectl apply -f aws-auth-cm.yaml"
wait for all the kuberenetes nodes to come up using : kubectl get nodes --watch
copy the follwoing yaml files into the server : jenkins-deployment.yaml , jenkins-service.yaml .
run the following commands : kubectl create -f jenkins-deployment.yaml kubectl create -f jenkins-service.yaml
wait for the jenkins deployment to be ready .
connect to jenkins and configure it with admin user and add docker plugin.
connect Jenkins to github repository via webook to pull the source code and the docker file.
copy the file called deployment.yaml to your server (the one which we will be using to deploy the app itself)
copy the jenkinsfile into jenkins , it will pull the source code + the dockerfile and build it , afterwards it will push it to docker registry and finally it will deploy the app.