Find duplicates of files (or checks if the backup still is ok...)
Build with latest dotnet relased:
- ✔️ Scan Files and generate hash information
- ✔️ Parallelize scan to all cores (this works better than expected... the computer is unusable...)
- ✔️ Single threaded scan...
- ✔️ Store all the file and hash information in a sqlite db
- ✔️ Cancel / Resume scan
- ✔️ Find dups in one database
SELECT * FROM ScanItems WHERE FileSha512Hash IN (SELECT FileSha512Hash FROM ScanItems GROUP BY FileSHA512Hash HAVING COUNT(*) >1)
- ✔️ Create .csv reports of dups
- Find dups in different databases
- Visually show the dups and manually change the state
- Delete / Move the dups
- Refresh a database
- Check a database with the original files (bit rot, changes of files)