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1. Content Based Filtering
2. Advantages
3. Cosine Similarity
1. Prerequisites
2. Installation
This is a web application that suggests 10 songs similar to the song chosen by the user. The recommendations are generated from around 6000 songs available in the dataset.
Content based filtering uses item features to recommend other items similar to what the user likes, based on their previous actions or explicit feedback.
The model doesn't need any data about other users, since the recommendations are specific to this user. This makes it easier to scale to large number of users. Recommendations are also highly relevant to the user.
Cosine similarity measures the similarity between two vectors by calculating the cosine of the angle between them. A simple visualization and the formula can be found below.
Python HTML CSS JavaScript
- Python 3.10 or higher
- Flask
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
Clone the repo
git clone
Creating virtual environment
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv my_name
Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Enter the spotify client_id and client_secret in .env file. If you don't have one, follow this.
Start Flask server
Enter name of the song and song artist. Make sure you entered the details correctly.
Note: Do not use comma to separate various artist names enter them without using comma and if there are various artist enter them in the order given on spotify as the API won't be able to find the song if you enter it a different order. An example has been shown below
Fill the track artist field like this
Nicky Romero Krewella
After this press the recommend button.
To listen to these songs just click on them and you will be redirected to spotify web player.
For more details refer the PPT in the repo.