BlueCast brings Blue Maestro sensors to MQTT. It will discover BLE devices and report to MQTT valid readings.
BlueCast depends on Noble and MQTT. Refer to Noble project for advance installation instructions.
In order to preserve resources, discovery of BLE devices is only run after a message is received on a control topic: $bluecastTopic/ctl
Discovery will run for a certain amount of time, and all valid readings will be published to relevant topics.
Given Noble and BlueZ separate the scan request and scan response data, 2 types of messages can be read:
- scan request: contains instant readings, such as temperature, humidity, dew point
- scan response: contains statistic data, such as min/max and 24h average
Full reading will be published in a JSON object, e.g.:
"data": {
"battery": 100,
"breachCount": 0,
"humidity": 92.3,
"mode": 53,
"temperature": 6.2,
"timeInterval": 3600,
"timeIntervalPosition": 6000,
"version": 27
"name": "terasse",
"timestamp": "2019-11-30T14:09:59.175Z",
"version": 27
"data": {
"average24Temperature": 19.8,
"average24humidity": 45.7,
"globalIdentifier": 0,
"highest24Humidity": 49.4,
"highest24Temperature": 20.6,
"highestHumidity": 79.8,
"highestTemperature": 29.9,
"lowest24Humidity": 41.7,
"lowest24Temperature": 19.3,
"lowestHumidity": 37,
"lowestTemperature": 18,
"referenceData": 1811072320
"name": "living",
"timestamp": "2019-11-30T14:09:58.580Z",
"version": 23
But individual readings will be put in specific topics:
, $bluecastTopic/$sensorName/humidity
, $bluecastTopic/$sensorName/battery
The following environment properties configure BlueCast:
- MQTT_HOST: the mqtt hostname
- TOPIC_NAME: the base name for the MQTT topic
- SCAN_TIME: the amount in time, in milliseconds, to run discovery when message received on topic
: log level (comma separated) - NOBLE_REPORT_ALL_HCI_EVENTS: if 1, will report both scan request and scan response (needed on Raspberry Pi)
In order to install as service, create the following environment file /etc/default/bluecast
## Default values
Create a system user: sudo useradd -m --system bluecast
And the following service file /etc/systemd/system/bluecast.service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/node index.js
And enable the service: sudo systemctl daemon-reload; sudo systemctl enable bluecast; sudo systemctl start bluecast
And check the logs: sudo journalctl -f -n 200 -u bluecast
make sure to check Noble's project for complete instalation procedure, e.g. sudo setcap cap_net_raw+eip $(eval readlink -f
which node)
This project can be used in conjunction with homebridge and plugins homebridge-mqtt-temperature and homebridge-mqtt-humidity with the following config:
"accessories": [
"accessory": "mqtt-temperature",
"name": "Pupuce Temperature",
"url": "mqtt://centralpi",
"topic": "sensor/pupuce/temperature",
"batt_topic": "sensor/pupuce/battery",
"refresh_topic": "sensor/ctl"
"accessory": "mqtt-humidity",
"name": "Studio Humidity",
"url": "mqtt://centralpi",
"topic": "sensor/studio/humidity",
"batt_topic": "sensor/studio/battery",
"refresh_topic": "sensor/ctl"