This is a wrapper around the original Google's SPDY Framer. It includes a standalone server (spdyd) which can act as a SPDY-HTTP proxy (or use yet another HTTP proxy) as well as a Rack adapter. The server is built around Eventmachine, and should be pretty fast.
- gem build spdy.gemspec
- sudo gem install ./spdy-0.1.gem
- gem install em-http-request -v 0.3.0
- Optional, for daemonization: gem install daemons
- cd ext; ruby extconf.rb; make
Running it standalone is as simple as:
Check bin/spdyd -h
for options.
You can also run it as a rack server:
rackup -s Spdy examples/
or for Rails application:
rackup -s Spdy
- Integrate with npn-enabled openssl which can be built using these steps:
Copyright 2010 (c) Roman Shterenzon, released under the AGPLv3 license.