Currently only for Lunar Denmark
This is a simple web application that helps you to choose the best Lunar plan based on your savings. It is built with Gin and basic HTML/CSS/JavaScript.
go run cmd/web/main.go
or run with Docker
docker build -t lunar-plan-advisor .
docker run -p 8080:8080 lunar-plan-advisor
Your application will be available at localhost:8080 and
Now exposing API endpoint with query parameter balance
With Lunar you receive positive interest rate on active balance of your accounts.
Lunar has an interest rate calculator to help you see what you can earn with different amounts and plans. But it doesn't tell you which plan is most profitable based on your savings.
Lunar Plan Advisor helps you determine a plan based on the net profit - interest income after plan fees. It helps identify the point at which one plan becomes more profitable than another by comparing the net profits of different plans.
Your data is not stored or sent to anyone.