Meant to integrate React Controled Forms
with back-end APIs using MongoDB.
It IS NOT intended to do magic and generate automatically HTML forms, fields, nor styles, or React components for you.
It DOES provide an easy way to parse and validate the same Mongoose Schema using React & Hooks
, integrating back and front-end validations in the same source of truth.
IMPORTANT Note: 🐻 Mongoose lib isn't required at the front-side at all, you can use any schemas following these guide lines, and validate them using Mongoose built in validators at the back-end side.
- Fast sync/async validations for the whole schema.
- Validation for single fields
- Tools to set up errors on specific fields, to clean, deal with changes etc.
- Friendly and consistent error messages with internationalization support using react-i18next.
- Real time validation in forms
- Custom validations using simple Java Script functions, which allows you to validate whatever you want like Regexes, API based validations, custom logic etc.
Basic example:
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { useFormoose } from 'formoose';
const schema = () => ({
name: {
max: 50,
required: true,
type: String
function FormooseFormExample({ t }) {
const {
} = useFormoose(schema(), t);
const handleSubmit = async e => {
let formIsValid;
try {
formIsValid = await validateAllFieldsSync();
} catch (error) {
if (formIsValid) {
alert('We are good to go!');
} else {
alert('oops, something went wrong.');
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<input type="text" placeholder="Name" {...setProps('name')} />
<label htmlFor="name">{t(}</label>
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
export default FormooseFormExample;
Examples available at or at this sand box
Fell free to fork and submit changes and improvements, also please let me know if you find any issues.
Install dependencies.
yarn dev
Type Script will compile to dist
folder, use yarn link
Go to the example repository and run:
yarn link formoose
Run yarn start
and the browser should open with some examples using your local Formoose's code. Now you can test and debug your changes.
So, you reached the end of this documentation and still think that Formoose is not for you?
No problem! If you aren't interested in using Mogoose schemas
to control your forms, or i18n
to provide instant translations to control them, or even interested in the Type Script definitions to provide you a great Development Experience - all in a really small package. So...
Probably you are looking for something else like:
- zod
- yup
- ajv does dealing with json schemas
- joi
- superstruct
And also to use these schema validators with or formik
Hope it helps 🍀.