Implementation of Kinesis Source Provider in Spark Structured Streaming. SPARK-18165 describes the need for such implementation. More details on the implementation can be read in this blog
This is a fork of with the build configuration and source code updated for building against Spark 3.2.1 in order to fix a number of bugs involving the consumer not receiving new messages after a period of no new messages being added to the Kinesis data stream.
This project is relatively unmaintained. If you're already using Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, instead of using Spark for processing streaming data, a far better solution is to use Kinesis Firehose Delivery Streams with AWS Lambda Functions for processing the micro-batches. This is a far more economical solution, and is also much easier to develop. Additionally, if you select ARM architecture for your Lambda Functions, you will save even more in terms of ongoing operating costs. Because of these facts, use of this project is strongly discouraged in favor of a more AWS-centric approach.
The connector is available from the Maven Central repository. It can be used using the --packages option or the spark.jars.packages configuration property. Use the following connector artifact
Spark 3.2: com.roncemer.spark/spark-sql-kinesis_2.13/1.2.3_spark-3.2
Clone spark-sql-kinesis from the source repository on GitHub.
You need maven, sbt, and openjdk 17 (not 21!) to successfully build this project.
git clone
git checkout master
cd spark-sql-kinesis
mvn install -DskipTests
This will create target/spark-sql-kinesis_2.13-1.2.3_spark-3.2.jar file which contains the connector code and its dependency jars.
Apply for a Sonatype JIRA account, and create a ticket requesting access to OSSRH. You must provide them with a domain which you can prove that you own by adding a TXT message to the DNS zone for that domain. Wait for them to approve it and create your account.
Create a GPG key (RSA, 4096 bits) and upload to both GitHub and the Ubuntu key servers. Wait for it to propagate. Set up a $HOME/.m2/settings.xml with a servers section with a server entry for the OSSHR server with your Sonatype username and password, as well as a profiles section with a profile entry for OSSRH which tells it how to sign JAR files using GPG. Google is your friend for getting these things set up.
Once you have all of the above prerequisites in place, you can build and publish the package to staging using this command:
mvn -DskipTests clean source:jar verify gpg:sign install:install deploy:deploy
After deployment to staging, you can go to and log in with your username and password, then select the repository which was created by the deployment, and click Close. Click the Activity tab and click Refresh at the top left of the top table. If you did everything correctly, all tests will pass and the last line will say Repository closed.
Once the repository has been closed successfully, you can click the Release button at the top of the top table, and your release will be pushed out to the Maven repositories and become available for public consumption.
Refer Amazon Docs for more options
$ aws kinesis create-stream --stream-name test --shard-count 2
$ aws kinesis put-record --stream-name test --partition-key 1 --data 'Kinesis'
$ aws kinesis put-record --stream-name test --partition-key 1 --data 'Connector'
$ aws kinesis put-record --stream-name test --partition-key 1 --data 'for'
$ aws kinesis put-record --stream-name test --partition-key 1 --data 'Apache'
$ aws kinesis put-record --stream-name test --partition-key 1 --data 'Spark'
Refering $SPARK_HOME to the Spark installation directory.
$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell --jars target/spark-sql-kinesis_2.13-1.2.3_spark-3.2.jar
// Subscribe the "test" stream
scala> :paste
val kinesis = spark
.option("streamName", "spark-streaming-example")
.option("endpointUrl", "")
.option("awsAccessKeyId", [ACCESS_KEY])
.option("awsSecretKey", [SECRET_KEY])
.option("startingposition", "TRIM_HORIZON")
scala> kinesis.printSchema
|-- data: binary (nullable = true)
|-- streamName: string (nullable = true)
|-- partitionKey: string (nullable = true)
|-- sequenceNumber: string (nullable = true)
|-- approximateArrivalTimestamp: timestamp (nullable = true)
// Cast data into string and group by data column
scala> :paste
.selectExpr("CAST(data AS STRING)").as[(String)]
| data|count|
| for| 1|
| Apache| 1|
| Spark| 1|
| Kinesis| 1|
| Connector| 1|
// Cast data into string and group by data column
scala> :paste
.selectExpr("CAST(rand() AS STRING) as partitionKey","CAST(data AS STRING)").as[(String,String)]
.option("streamName", "spark-sink-example")
.option("endpointUrl", "")
.option("awsAccessKeyId", [ACCESS_KEY])
.option("awsSecretKey", [SECRET_KEY])
Option-Name | Default-Value | Description |
streamName | - | Name of the stream in Kinesis to read from |
endpointUrl | | end-point URL for Kinesis Stream |
awsAccessKeyId | - | AWS Credentials for Kinesis describe, read record operations |
awsSecretKey | - | AWS Credentials for Kinesis describe, read record operations |
awsSTSRoleARN | - | AWS STS Role ARN for Kinesis describe, read record operations |
awsSTSSessionName | - | AWS STS Session name for Kinesis describe, read record operations |
awsUseInstanceProfile | true | Use Instance Profile Credentials if none of credentials provided |
startingPosition | LATEST | Starting Position in Kinesis to fetch data from. Possible values are "latest", "trim_horizon", "earliest" (alias for trim_horizon), or JSON serialized map shardId->KinesisPosition |
failondataloss | true | fail the streaming job if any active shard is missing or expired |
kinesis.executor.maxFetchTimeInMs | 1000 | Maximum time spent in executor to fetch record from Kinesis per Shard |
kinesis.executor.maxFetchRecordsPerShard | 100000 | Maximum Number of records to fetch per shard |
kinesis.executor.maxRecordPerRead | 10000 | Maximum Number of records to fetch per getRecords API call |
kinesis.executor.addIdleTimeBetweenReads | false | Add delay between two consecutive getRecords API call |
kinesis.executor.idleTimeBetweenReadsInMs | 1000 | Minimum delay between two consecutive getRecords |
kinesis.client.describeShardInterval | 1s (1 second) | Minimum Interval between two ListShards API calls to consider resharding |
kinesis.client.numRetries | 3 | Maximum Number of retries for Kinesis API requests |
kinesis.client.retryIntervalMs | 1000 | Cool-off period before retrying Kinesis API |
kinesis.client.maxRetryIntervalMs | 10000 | Max Cool-off period between 2 retries |
kinesis.client.avoidEmptyBatches | true | Avoid creating an empty microbatch job by checking upfront if there are any unread data in the stream before the batch is started |
Option-Name | Default-Value | Description |
streamName | - | Name of the stream in Kinesis to write to |
endpointUrl | | The aws endpoint of the kinesis Stream |
awsAccessKeyId | - | AWS Credentials for Kinesis describe, read record operations |
awsSecretKey | - | AWS Credentials for Kinesis describe, read record |
awsSTSRoleARN | - | AWS STS Role ARN for Kinesis describe, read record operations |
awsSTSSessionName | - | AWS STS Session name for Kinesis describe, read record operations |
awsUseInstanceProfile | true | Use Instance Profile Credentials if none of credentials provided |
kinesis.executor.recordMaxBufferedTime | 1000 (millis) | Specify the maximum buffered time of a record |
kinesis.executor.maxConnections | 1 | Specify the maximum connections to Kinesis |
kinesis.executor.aggregationEnabled | true | Specify if records should be aggregated before sending them to Kinesis |
kniesis.executor.flushwaittimemillis | 100 | Wait time while flushing records to Kinesis on Task End |
- We need to migrate to DataSource V2 APIs for MicroBatchExecution.
- Maintain Per Micro-Batch Shard Commit state in Dynamo DB
This connector would not have been possible without reference implemetation of Kafka connector for Structured streaming, Kinesis Connector for Legacy Streaming and Kinesis Client Library. Structure of some part of the code is influenced by the excellent work done by various Apache Spark Contributors.