Simple code that demostrates the working of elastic search using Python 3.5+ and requests package
This is a simple project to illustrate how to access Elastic Search (using their REST API) with Python (using requests package). Main motivation is the freedom from using any prebuilt python package (due to the deprecation).
ElasticSearch offers a free 14-day trial. I used their service for demo purposes. Alternatively, you can either:
- Setup elastic search on AWS
- Get the managed service from AWS
Credentials are stored in
config = {
'username' : '',
'password' : '',
'url' : ''
This project will have following methods:
init => When class is instantiated it will test the connection
create_doc => This method will create document type in the elastic search
create_index => This method will create an index for a given document type
def create_index(self, index):
#Create the index for the particular document
url = config['url'] + "/" + index + "?pretty"
response = requests.put( url, auth = HTTPBasicAuth(config['username'], config['password']))
if( response.status_code == 200):
print( response.text )
print( "Connection failed....")
print( str(response.status_code) + "\n" + response.reason )
list_indices => This method will list all indices on the cluser
def list_indices(self):
#Lists all of the indices on the elastic search cluster
retval = ""
url = config['url'] + "/_cat/indices"
response = requests.get( url, auth = HTTPBasicAuth(config['username'], config['password']))
if( response.status_code == 200):
retval = response.text
print( "Connection failed....")
print( str(response.status_code) + "\n" + response.reason )
return retval
push_data => This method will be used for pushing data to the cluser
def push_data(self, index, json_string):
#pushes data for the given index
retval = ""
url = config['url'] + "/" + index + "/_doc"
response =, auth = HTTPBasicAuth(config['username'], config['password']), json = json_string )
if( response.status_code == 200 or response.status_code == 201 ):
retval = response.text
print( "Connection failed....")
print( str(response.status_code) + "\n" + response.reason )
return retval
search_data => This method will search elastic search cluster for a given term
def search_data(self, index, search_term, search_value):
#retrieves data for the particular search term
url = config['url'] + "/" + index + "/_doc/_search/?pretty=true"
query = {"query" : { "match" : { search_term : search_value }}}
response = requests.get( url, auth = HTTPBasicAuth(config['username'], config['password']), data=json.dumps(query), headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'text/plain'})
if( response.status_code == 200):
retval = response.text
print( "Connection failed....")
print( str(response.status_code) + "\n" + response.reason )
return retval
search_range => This method will search for range of values using the parameters
def search_range(self, index, search_term, lessthan, greaterthan):
#Searches index for a particular data item for a specified range
url = config['url'] + "/" + index + "/_doc/_search/?pretty=true"
query = {"query" : { "range" : { search_term : { "gte" : greaterthan, "lte" : lessthan } } } }
# query = {"query" : { "match" : { "pageviews" : "1927" }}}
response = requests.get( url, auth = HTTPBasicAuth(config['username'], config['password']), data=json.dumps(query), headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'text/plain'})
if( response.status_code == 200):
retval = response.text
print( "Connection failed....")
print( str(response.status_code) + "\n" + response.reason )
return retval
get_data_item => This method retrieves a particular data item using its _id
def get_data_item(self,index, id):
retval = ""
url = config['url'] + "/" + index + "/_doc/" + id
response = requests.get( url, auth = HTTPBasicAuth(config['username'], config['password']))
if( response.status_code == 200):
retval = response.text
print( "Connection failed....")
print( str(response.status_code) + "\n" + response.reason )
return retval
import_sample_data => This method pushes data from the sample file into the Elastic Search
def import_sample_data(self, index):
#Data is stored in the attached sample.csv
with open('sample.csv') as csv_file:
csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
line_count = 0
for row in csv_reader:
if line_count == 0:
line_count += 1
page = row[0]
pageviews = row[1]
unique = row[2]
averagetime = row[3]
bouncerate = row[4]
jsonstring = { "page" : page, "pageviews" : pageviews, "unique" : unique, "averagetime" : averagetime, "bouncerate" : bouncerate }
self.push_data(index, jsonstring)
line_count += 1
print ("Added line #: " + str(line_count))