Apollo is a RuneScape emulator which aims to encourage afundamentally-different alternative to the way in which private server development is done today. It consists of a high-performance, modular server written in Java as well as a collection of utilities for managing the data files and plugins. Konklex will always be following the KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) and DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) formats. We encourage you to do the same if you edit our source code.
- RS Wiki - protocol and formats research.
- Trustin Lee - author of the Netty and APIviz libraries.
- All the people behind JRuby, JUnit, Ant, Ivy, Graphviz and Java.
- And lastly, the people at Rune Server for helping with the problems we faced.
The original Apollo source code can be found on GitHub. Feedback and patches are welcome!
There is a Twitter account for all recent commits. You can view that here.