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A shorthand notation for generating a quantum circuit.

A shorthand notation?

Well, I was creating some random circuits in Qiskit and I'm kind of lazy. So I thought, "It would be cool if we had something like Emmet, but in Quantum". So I create a new syntax that can hold enough information about a circuit and, yeah, this is it. Now I can write a simple Bell's state in a syntax of h1cx12 instead of a lengthy qc.h(0) and,1).

How does this work?

Good question! Since writing all of the rules here are going to be pretty long and boring, I suggest you to look up our wiki to learn more about the syntax and mechanics behind Qemmet. When you're ready, you can try the syntax out in our playground website too!

How can I use this with my project?

You can download the compiled build in the build folder. You will required to import the parser and (at least) one translator as modules into your HTML file like this:

<script type="module">
    import { parseQemmetString } from 'qemmet.js';
    import { translateQemmetString } from 'translators/qiskit.js';

First, you need to parse a Qemmet string by using the function parseQemmetString(qemmet_string).

const parsed_qemmet = parseQemmetString("2;;h1cx");

After the parsing, you can translate the output into the target language by using the function translateQemmetString(parsed_qemmet) from the translating module.

const output = translateQemmetString(parsed_qemmet);

If you have multiple translating modules, you can rename each of them to differentiate the languages.

import { translateQemmetString as getQiskitString } from 'translators/qiskit.js';
import { translateQemmetString as getQASMString } from 'translators/qasm3.js';

const qiskit_code = getQiskitString(parsed_qemmet);
const qasm3_code = getQASMString(parsed_qemmet);