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ROS 2 Migration: Skid Steer drive

Leander Stephen D'Souza edited this page Jun 26, 2022 · 3 revisions


This pages describes the changes for skid steer drive plugin in gazebo_plugins for ROS 2, including a migration guide. The skid steer drive is integrated into diff drive.

From ROS 2, gazebo_ros_diff_drive can be made to behave like skid steer drive by specifying extra joints and kinematic properties. This way, a single plugin works for both differential drive and skid steer.


  • All SDF parameters are now snake_cased
  • Use remapping argument to change default topics (cmd_vel and odom)
  • Skid steer drive is no longer limited to 4 wheels. Any number of wheels can be specified using num_wheel_pairs. The number of wheels including left and right will be double the num_wheel_pairs.
  • To specify the left joints, (instead of leftFrontJoint and leftRearJoint) left_joint has to be specified num_wheel_pairs of times. The first left_joint would be taken as the front one. The second left_joint would be the second from front and so on.
  • Similarly right joints have to be specified.
  • Instead of a common wheelSeparation, each wheel pair can be assigned a different wheel_separation. wheel_separation can be specified num_wheel_pairs times. The first wheel_separation refers to the front most wheel pair. The second wheel_separation refers to the second from front and so on.
  • Similarly, different wheel_diameters can be specified.
  • Instead of broadcastTF, publish_wheel_tf and publish_odom_tf can be used to specify independently whether to publish 'wheels TF' or 'odom TF'.

SDF parameters

odometryFrame odometry_frame
updateRate update_rate
torque max_wheel_torque
covariance_x covariance_x
covariance_y covariance_y
covariance_yaw covariance_yaw
commandTopic <ros><remapping>cmd_vel:=custom_cmd_vel</remapping></ros>
odometryTopic <ros><remapping>odom:=custom_odom</remapping></ros>
robotBaseFrame robot_base_frame
wheelSeparation wheel_separation
wheelDiameter wheel_diameter
broadcastTF publish_wheel_tf / publish_odom_tf
leftFrontJoint 1st left_joint
rightFrontJoint 1st right_joint
leftRearJoint 2nd left_joint
rightRearJoint 2nd right_joint

Example Migration


    <model name='vehicle'>

      <joint name='left_wheel_joint0' type='revolute'>

      <joint name='right_wheel_joint0' type='revolute'>

      <joint name='left_wheel_joint1' type='revolute'>

      <joint name='right_wheel_joint1' type='revolute'>

      <plugin name='skid_steer_drive' filename=''>







    <model name='vehicle'>

      <joint name='left_wheel_joint0' type='revolute'>

      <joint name='right_wheel_joint0' type='revolute'>

      <joint name='left_wheel_joint1' type='revolute'>

      <joint name='right_wheel_joint1' type='revolute'>

      <plugin name='skid_steer_drive' filename=''>
          <!-- Set namespace -->

          <!-- Remap default topics -->

        <!-- Update rate -->

        <!-- Number of wheel pairs -->

        <!-- wheels0 -->

        <!-- wheels1-->

        <!-- kinematics -->


        <!-- limits -->

        <!-- output -->


