Uses Github's Webhook feature to receive HTTP POST and Run Mutation tests and send an email to the committer who made the changes.
This project uses:
- SpringBoot
- Maven
- PITest
- Windows command prompt.
For the program to run without making any changes:
Download ngrok and unzip it into you C: drive, C:\ngrok. This folder will contain an exe which starts a server when you run this program.
ngrok exposes localhost URL to the Internet.
Start the program from
- It starts ngrok server on localhost:8080 and gives out an URL.
- Copy the URL and Add a webhook in your github repo. Set the payload URL as copiedurl/payload. It would be something like
- Push something in the repository(Commit)
- Github will send HTTP POST onto the url, you've set.
- Springboot running on localhost:8080/payload will fetch the post and extract Github Repository URL and Email.
- JGIT will Clone the Repository in your TEMP folder.
- Once cloned, you will see new cmd prompt window.
- Maven will first build the project and then run mutation tests on the project.(By default it runs test on the root of the package, so all classes will have a mutation test report which is created under target folder called pit-reports. For further reading, refer this)
- The test reports folder is compressed to a ZIP archive using zeroturnaround/zt-zip(Awesome Library!)
- An email will be sent with the ZIP as an attachment to the committer using Java Mail API
NOTES / Possible Errors:
- This will not work without proper maven installation.
- If ngrok is not in C: drive, modify the location in
- Springboot, javax and JGIT dependenices are in pom.xml
- Mutation Tests will ONLY work with MAVEN projects, since it runs maven commands.
- JGIT seems to be really slow at times, so please be patient when it clones the repository(it might look program is not working, but it is)
- Ignore warning or errors in ngrok/github webhook response/eclipe or whichever IDE you use. It works regardless of the http response or errors in IDE which are due to the http responses
- Make sure NO OTHER PROGRAM IS RUNNING ON OR USING http://localhost:8080. In that case SpringBoot wont work and you shall get Tomcat initialization error.
- Also, make sure you stop the program from IDE stop button AS WELL AS IDE's output/console windows stop button before restating or re-running it. You shall get Tomcat Initialization error. If it continues, close the IDE and start again, it should work fine.
To use this code / make any contributions / for any further questions or help please contact me