My personal solutions for various programming problems I find. Each problem source is in it's own package with it's own description. Some locations I plan to also look at are...
- Sphere Online Judge
- CodeWars
- RosettaCode
- InterviewCake
- LeetCode
- Codeorces
- CodeChef
- Hanukkah of Data
- Coding Quest
- ProtoHackers
Some avenues for code exercise which may or be not be commitable:-
The current sources I use are of different levels of difficulties and require different time commitments. I try to do a little coding every day here so quick problems are handy when I'm busy, long problems when I have much more time to spare.
- CodingBat - Single method, < 5 minute problems.
- Euler - Project Euler is a bit more involved, requiring some thought, time and average amount of code.
- CodeEval - Requires probably not as much thought but more boiler plate code than Euler as the actual code is submitted.
- TopCoder - Much more involved coding, often requiring more advanced algorithms and data structures.
- Google Foobar - Level (1-5) based, difficulty increasing coding challenges by Google - A festive challenge running two similar challenges every day in December. Ranging from simple to relatively complex.
- Advent of Code - 25 groups of 2 festive challenges released each day in December ranging from easy to intermediate
- CoderByte - I only looked at the example on their website, whose problem description and examples didn't match. It took about 20 minutes to write.