SOIE is a GUI application written in Python and C++ for the interactive exploration of simulations of self-organizing active particles. The associated paper is here.
This software is written in Python 2.7 and requires pip and virtualenv to set up.
- Check your Python version. Type in command line:
python -V
- Check that you have pip and virtualenv installed. Type in command line:
pip --version
virtualenv --version
- Install SOIE dependencies in virtualenv. In command line, go into the root folder of SOIE, set up a virtual environment, and install dependencies through pip:
cd [path to SOIE]
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
where [path to SOIE]
is the location of the downloaded SOIE code, for example, ~/Downloads/soie-master
If you have followed the installation guide, you are already inside a virtual environment. If that is the case,
- Launch the application directly by typing in command line:
python -m app
- Activate the virtual environment first, and then launch the application:
source venv/bin/activate
python -m app