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RouteFlow organisation

Joe Stringer edited this page Jul 8, 2013 · 1 revision

The RouteFlow organisation is set up to allow the community to maintain the core RouteFlow code and various RFProxy implementations all from one convenient place on GitHub. To keep things running smoothly, we've put together some guidelines on how to manage this repository to balance code quality with the ease of access for new contributors.

RouteFlow core

The RouteFlow repository holds the core components of RouteFlow:

  • RFClient
  • RFServer
  • POX-RFProxy

The main two branches that are maintained on this repository are master and vandervecken. Both of these branches are maintained with stability in mind, so that when anyone wishes to clone the repository, they will get a working version of RouteFlow. Additional branches for features or projects may also be created, to allow other people to collaborate more closely (e.g., GSoC projects).

  • master is maintained by Allan Vidal and CPqD. This branch is considered the canonical version with stable, accepted features and changes.
  • vandervecken is maintained by Joe Stringer. In general, this branch changes more often, and may include various fixups and experimental features from people involved in that project.


This port is currently maintained by Joe Stringer.

Ryu-RFProxy is a port of RFProxy to the Ryu-2.0 platform, with OpenFlow 1.2 support. It is actively maintained and in use as part of Project CARDIGAN.


This port is currently unmaintained.

NOX10-RFProxy is a port of RFProxy to the NOX-Classic platform, with OpenFlow 1.0 support. It is known to compile and work on Ubuntu 11.10 with the March 2013 versions of RouteFlow. This code could theoretically be ported to a later NOX-Classic platform without major changes.