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Allan Vidal edited this page Jun 18, 2013 · 20 revisions

Welcome to the RouteFlow wiki!

If you want to get started, check the first tutorial.

Take a look at the second tutorial for a more advanced setup. It features a four-router OSPF setup. It's still being written.

To create a virtual environment for your own network, take a look at the virtual environment creation tutorial.

If you want to peek into how RouteFlow works, try the web interface.

For an in-depth look into RouteFlow's mapping of VMs (RFClients) to OpenFlow switches, see the association algorithm.

And finally, check out ideas and projects and how you can contribute to RouteFlow.

We'll be including some new pages soon:

  • A guide on how to split RouteFlow components in a distributed fashion
  • A guide on porting RFProxy to other controllers
  • Literature related to RouteFlow (papers, presentations...)
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