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Andreas Rozek edited this page Apr 25, 2022 · 3 revisions

Documentation for "the osname" and "the osversion"

Function Description
osname Returns the (simplified) name of the operating system Wyldcard runs in. Possible results are "windows", "linux", "unix", "macos", "posix" and empty (if the operating system could not be determined). This function is unique to WyldCard and does not exist in HyperCard.
osversion Returns the current version of the operating system Wyldcard runs in. This function is unique to WyldCard and does not exist in HyperCard.

Documentation for the "execute" command

Command Description
execute runs a given operating system command in a separate process, optionally providing some given input, and returns its exit code and any output or error messages the command produced. Follows the syntax execute <cmd-line> [with <input>]. Upon completion, the result is either empty (in the case of success) or non-empty (in the case of failure). If successful, it contains the command's output. If failed, the result either contains the command's exit code (if it could be started but failed during execution) with it containing any error messages the command produced - or the result contains an error message (if the command could not be started): in this case, it remains empty
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